India not to invite Pakistan PM Imran Khan in the swearing-in ceremony of Narendra Modi
Deepings Rotary Club helps Nepalese children
Historic record in Marathon: Heavily pregnant Garima Rai completes Vitality 10k Run
British-Asian Labour MEP Neena Gill was said “go home” by Brexit Party Supporters
Nepal to host 2019 Asian Resilience Summit on May 30 &31
17th Gurkha Cup successfully concluded in the UK
Deaths in Everest are not due to overcrowd : Nepal Government
Four dead, six injured in Nepal blasts- Maoist splinter group blamed for the explosion
The man known as ‘walking library’ for villagers in Bangladesh who had to drop out of school
Tree Ambulance’ service started in India – an initiative to provide care to trees
Europe’s voters elect new parliament as nationalism mounts
Two Sherpa widows scale Everest and smash stigma
Prem Dhoj– a Nepali legend– sings at the Nepali Embassy in London
Pawan Kumar Chamling Loses After remaining in power for 24 years in Sikkim
Nepal PM KP Oli to visit the UK , France and Switzerland next month
Sheffield staff and students make friends with these elephants in Nepal