Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai sent back to jail
COVID-19 related death tally reached to 1,870 in Nepal
Pakistan to purchase 1.2 million Covid-19 vaccine from China
Britain leaves the EU single market and customs union
Nepal Pathibhara wildfire takes toll on red pandas’ habitat
Bangladesh moves biggest group of Rohingya to isolated island
Six UK returnees found positive for new coronavirus variant in India
Turmeric and Other Exotic Foods Reveal Contacts between Near East and South Asia 3,000 Years Ago
India COVID-19 cases cross 10.2 million
Famous sexpert Dr Mahinder Watsa passes away at 96
Chinese delegation meets Nepal Communist Party’s Prachanda, Madhav Nepal
Nepal’s Covid-19 tally hits 258,181 with 481 new cases
AstraZeneca COVID vaccine has ‘winning formula’: chief executive
South Korea to take 52,000 workers from 16 countries including Nepal in 2021
Climate change could create 63 million migrants in South Asia by 2050
UK and EU agree Brexit trade deal