UN Secretary General Calls for Immediate Action to Recover Biodiversity – South Asia Time

UN Secretary General Calls for Immediate Action to Recover Biodiversity

 May 26, 2024  

Kathmandu, May 26: United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has issued a stern reminder to global governments about the urgent need to act for the recovery of biodiversity. In his message marking the International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22, Guterres emphasized the critical state of the world’s biodiversity, stating, “The world’s complex web of biological diversity sustains all life on earth. Yet it is unravelling at alarming speed – and humanity is to blame.”

The Secretary General highlighted the severe pollution of land, oceans, and freshwater systems, which has led to widespread damage to landscapes and ecosystems. He also pointed out the destructive impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the climate. According to Guterres, the ongoing loss of biodiversity poses a direct threat to sustainable development, leading to increased uncertainty for humanity’s future.

Guterres underscored the potential of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as a roadmap to reversing biodiversity loss. This framework, adopted in 2022, aims to restore biodiversity, create jobs, build resilience, and promote sustainable development. He reiterated the importance of this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity slogan, ‘Part of the Plan,’ which calls on everyone to contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts.

The Secretary General appealed to a wide range of stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples, businesses, financial institutions, local and regional authorities, civil society, women, young people, and academia, to collaborate in valuing, protecting, and restoring biodiversity for the benefit of all. He stressed the need for a collective commitment to the plan to save the planet and ensure a sustainable future.

The UN Environment Programme echoed Guterres’ call to action, emphasizing the theme ‘Be part of the Plan’ for this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity. This theme urges all stakeholders to actively support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, the message from the UN Secretary General serves as a critical reminder of the urgent need for unified global action to protect and restore the planet’s biodiversity.