Flying Car Makes Its Maiden Flight in Tokyo – South Asia Time

Flying Car Makes Its Maiden Flight in Tokyo

 May 18, 2024  

Tokyo, May 18 (Kyodo) — A groundbreaking “flying car” made its debut flight in Tokyo on Friday, captivating an audience of about 500 spectators during an international event showcasing the latest advancements in technology.

The vehicle, known as the Hexa, hovered approximately 10 meters above the ground in a parking lot outside the Tokyo Big Sight convention center in Koto Ward. This demonstration was a highlight of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024, an event dedicated to cutting-edge innovations.

Flying vehicles like the Hexa are anticipated to revolutionize human transportation by alleviating traffic congestion and aiding in disaster response by delivering supplies to affected areas, according to statements from the Tokyo metropolitan government and other event organizers.

Manufactured by U.S. company Lift Aircraft Inc., the Hexa is a single-seat vehicle equipped with 18 propellers atop its passenger cabin. The aircraft measures 4.5 meters in width, stands 2.6 meters tall, and weighs around 196 kilograms.

Following the successful flight, the Hexa is scheduled to perform additional demonstrations twice daily, each lasting about 15 minutes, on Saturday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Admission to view these demonstrations is free, offering more people the opportunity to witness this innovative technology firsthand.

“I want more people to experience this cutting-edge technology,” Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike remarked at the ceremony celebrating the Hexa’s maiden flight. “I look forward to flying cars becoming a normal means of transportation.”

As the Hexa takes to the skies, it marks a significant step toward the integration of flying vehicles into everyday life, paving the way for a future where traffic jams and inaccessible disaster areas might become issues of the past.