Three UK Girls Embark on a Philanthropic Journey to Nepal: Diary Chronicles their Transformative Volunteering Experience

London — In an inspiring tale of altruism and cultural immersion, three young girls hailing from the United Kingdom embarked on a life-changing journey to Nepal to partake in volunteering activities at a rural school. Their story is now being shared by South Asia Time, as their diary provides a heartfelt account of their experiences, offering insights into the profound impact of philanthropic learning activities on both the volunteers and the communities they serve.
The three courageous girls, whose names are yet to be revealed, ventured into the heart of Nepal with a mission to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Leaving behind the comforts of home, they braced themselves for an adventure that would test their resilience and broaden their horizons. Their decision to dedicate their time and efforts to a worthy cause reflects the growing interest among the youth in engaging with global communities and fostering mutual understanding.
South Asia Time recognizes the significance of such philanthropic journeys and has taken the initiative to publish the girls’ diary entries to share their unique experiences with a wider audience. By doing so, they aim to inspire and encourage the new generation to participate in similar charitable activities, fostering a spirit of empathy, compassion, and cross-cultural exchange.
Previous diary entries, chronicling the stories of other volunteers who undertook similar journeys, can be found on South Asia Time’s platform, acting as a repository of motivational narratives that can ignite the spark of service-oriented exploration in countless young hearts.
Stay tuned as South Asia Time releases the enthralling chapters of their diary, captivating readers with tales of compassion, resilience, and the beauty of human connection. The captivating narrative will undoubtedly kindle the desire to contribute to the betterment of the global community, inspiring a new generation of compassionate changemakers eager to embrace philanthropy as a way of life.
Diary 5:
The three of us awoken at 6:30 am. While Zein and I went down for breakfast, Ranya slept it in due to a common cold. After breakfast, we went to see if Ranya was awake. After planning for tomorrow’s lesson, all three of us made our way down to the kitchen for a snack meal before heading to school with the hostel adults. Zein and I went to the school to give introductions and help with the ground clean up but we somehow ended up teaching. In class 5 we taught some conversation starters which Laxman was in. We then went to the staff room where we had interesting conversations about sociology with Bala Ram sir. he then took us to class 10 where we introduced ourselves. Sir made them sing for us then we had to sing for them. After this we began to simply help the class with pronunciation of words such as rhododendron. After this it was the students break time so we walked back to the hostel with them where they ate and quickly went back to school. Now it was just us, yalina didi, ram-maya and suroj guru. Zein and i tried to teach didi and ram- maya a dance and after that she filmed us doing the dance. we then began to play uno on the grass with a beautiful view. Since the guru loves uno, he came back enthusiastically. While we were in our third game the students came back from school and some of them joined in as they love this game too. This game was cut short and 2 other senior taekwondo gurus were about to arrive. They were greeted by all of the children lining up and getting tikka and a phool mala. The kids who participate in taekwondo went to get their appropriate attire to train. They train every single morning so this was going to be their second session of the day. Ranya and i went to watch them train while zein played chess with one of the english teachers from the school. They scored a 2-2 and after the 4th round zein joined us to watch the kids train. This session must have lasted 2 hours and the kids were challenged. It was unbelievable seeing what they can do. once this ended we had dinner then got given the curriculum books with the content to teach the next day. We briefly went over it then headed to sleep.
Diary 6:
The three of us woke up to watch the kids do taekwondo, which was around 5:30 am. We found out that the kids wake at 5am everyday for a long run right before doing taekwondo. The levels of activity and fitness the kids endure are unreal, their dedication and aspiration to advance onto the next level is truly admirable. After watching the kids train we had breakfast where we had egg and roti which was a nice switch from the rice. We then went back up to our room and got ready for the day, on our way back down some of the boys asked Zein if she wanted to play cricket. Whilst Zein was being the pro athlete she is Reiya and I did some lesson planning and asked Dipak Sir what he wanted us to cover in the lesson. Talking to Dipak Sir really helped us compose ourselves and calm our nerves, he reassured us that if we needed any help he would be there to guide us and gave us some tips and tricks to help keep the children engaged and interested in the lesson. At around 10:30 we left the hostel to make our way to the school, our first lesson was with class 6 and as we were approaching the classroom I could feel the nerves building up, however, this feeling swiftly disappeared when the children got up and sang us a greeting to welcome us into the class. We started the lesson by introducing ourselves and asking them to do the same so that we could get to know them a little better before we started the lesson. This first lesson with class 6 consisted of us reading a story about monkeys fasting, we decided to approach the text in a slow and sensible manner where we would read a few words at a time and they would repeat it back to us so that they could work on their pronunciations, we managed to get through 3/4 of the story before the bell rang and we had to leave. Our next lesson was with class 8 which was a little more intimidating as they were a bigger class. Once again we started with introductions and then decided to play a game to break the ice and hopefully get them a little more excited for the lesson. Our game of choice was hangman which the kids really got into as they really didn’t want to get hangman, while we were playing I saw some of the boys brainstorm words in their books. We then had to move onto content where we read a text called ‘A visit to Mustang’. We tried getting them to read one sentence each but soon realised that was not the best idea so we asked the kids to read by themselves while I went over to the table with the students who were struggling with pronunciations the most and helped them, it took us the rest of the lesson to get through the text and asked them to highlight any difficult to understand words from the text as homework so that we can go over and define them tomorrow. This was not the end of the day as we then went back to class 6 to finish the text from before, one thing I noticed was that the kids in this class spoke with such confidence regardless of wether what they were saying was wrong or not. At the end of the text we asked the children to find any difficult worlds so that we could help them. Whilst Zein and I explained the vocabulary, Reiya translated the definitions into Nepali to help the children understand better. As we had extra time on our hands we started doing some of the activities which consisted of matching words to their meanings and organising sentences according to the order of occurrences in the text and asked them to finish whatever was left as homework. We then started walking back to the hostel with the children, the walk back was harder than the walk to the school but we pushed through and took a much needed rest as soon as we got back to the hostel. After lunch we ran up to our room to get the uno cards so that we could play with Suroj Guru and Yalina didi. Watching Suroj Guru play was so funny as he would have the best expressions. Soon later the kids got back and joined us before we left to go on a small evening walk. The walk was not too steep and quite enjoyable, we decided to stop on the side of the road where there were a few rocks to take pictures and talk, overall it was a pleasant and enjoyable walk and really helped us build up an appetite for dinner.
Diary 7
Yesterday Suroj Guru told us that we could join him in the morning to supervise the morning run for the taekwondo kids, however when we woke up at 5am to get ready it was pouring down rain and as we still have a little bit of a cold we decided to stay in and keep warm. At 7:30 we decided to go down and have breakfast after we finished getting ready, as it was still raining so much we decided to run back up to our room and stay there playing cards until we had to depart to walk to the school. The morning was so gloomy and dull because of the rain due to these conditions we all decided we had to gear up and change into our waterproof clothes to prevent our colds from getting worse. The rain made the walk seem so much longer but we eventually got to the school we went up to the office where Zein and I played a game of chess against Dipak Sir and Reiya sat patiently observing. It was then time for lesson and our first lesson was with class 8. We started by going over the homework which was to find difficult words from yesterdays text so that we could define them, this took a little while but we were able to finish it in time to start the next reading which was from Anne Frank’s Diary. We decided that we would ask the children to repeat after us like we did with class 6 yesterday just to make sure that they are confident in pronouncing words and can understand the text better at a slower text and once again asked them to make a list of difficult vocabulary for homework. Our next lesson was with class 6 where we moved onto a new text about computers and smart phones , we asked them to do a quick starter activity which was asking them to name all the objects pictured in the text and answering the question ‘do you think having mobile phones is important and why’. After reading the text we started to go through some vocabulary but weren’t able to finish so we took a picture so that we can finish it off tomorrow. before leaving the school we went to the office to ask Dipak Sir what he would like us to prepare for tomorrow lessons as we would be teaching classes 6, 7 and 8 and then walked back to the hostel where we had lunch and Reiya and Zein took a little nap while i planned the lessons for tomorrow. Once Reiya and Zein woke up we decided to go spend time with the children and watched them learn a cultural Nepali dance before going down to watch the kids play cricket and volleyball. Zein decided to participate in playing cricket, whilst Reiya and Zein were downstairs I decided to go on a little hike to find Yalina didi which was definitely worth it as the view from where she was, was amazing. We could see the entire hostel and even the children playing and enjoying themselves. I then made my way back down and found Reiya and Zein talking to some of the kids and helping them with pronunciation and doing little tricks with them. The bell then ran to let us know that dinner was ready so we made our way to the kitchen to get our food and eat and then made our way back to our room to get and early nights rest.
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