BNCC organises an interaction to discuss about investment climate in Nepal

London — The Britain Nepal Chamber of Commerce (BNCC) organised an interaction with a leading investor and expert on Nepal’s hydropower, Er. Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, on Thursday.
Speaking at the interaction, Er. Pradhan highlighted many opportunities available for investors in Nepal. “A reliable partner and a viable project specially in hydropower could be a sustainable and rewarding approach to invest in Nepal” he added. In order to avoid investment risk and optimise profitability Mr Pradhan suggested to find a a local partner with a considerable level of investment in a small group could be the best approach in Nepali market.
President of the BNCC, Dr. Kapil Rijal, said that the organisation is working to promote British investment in Nepal. “The BNCC is keen to work with the new government to be formed in Nepal to adopt an open policy to bring in foreign direct investment and NRN investment,” said Dr Rijal, adding, “The attempts to avoid double taxation and lowering the FDI threshold to NRs 20 million ( approx. £ 125,000 ) by the present government are some of the positive signs towards creating an investment friendly approach.”
Former president of BNCC, Rajan Kandel, shared his own experience of doing business in Nepal saying that businesses could be expanded safely in Nepal through reliable partners. He said government of Nepal was now quite liberal towards allowing repatriation of profits by foreign investors.
The BNCC Chief Executive (Honorary) Richard Pelli, BNCC members Santosh Mandal, Subhash Gurung, Dhan Bahadur Sarki, educational entrepreneur Krishna Bhatta and Mr Pragati Ojha, among others were present in the interaction.
“The BNCC has been organising similar interactions by bringing together investors and entrepreneurs so as to promote FDI in Nepal” said Biraj Bhatta, Vice-president of the BNCC.

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