Ex-Gurkhas Association(GAESO)announces protest for equal rights despite the U.K. MODs Pension rise

Kathmandu : Ex-Gurkhas Association (GAESO) has announced that the retired Gurkhas will keep fighting for better pensions despite a £15m top-up from the Ministry of Defence (MOD)
Following Gurkha campaigning, in March 2007 pension rules were changed so veterans who retired after 1997 got equal pensions to other UK service personnel.
But those who retired before 1997 still get pensions that can be two-thirds lower than British soldiers.
The move does not bring pensions for older retired Gurkhas up to the level of equivalent British soldiers.
The committee has announced to start their protest criticising the new pension rise package of British Government as a move against the agreement with Gurkhas.
The committee has announced to start their protest criticising the new pension rise package of British Government as a move against the agreement with Gurkhas.
GAESO has announced a three month long protest for the equality in pay and equal facilities to the Gurkha Veterans compared to heir British counterparts.
The protest program announced by GAESO are as follows :
In U.K.
1. Submitting a memorandum to The U.K. PM May .
2. Demonstration in front of Prime Ministers office .
3. Interaction with MPs in U.K. and requesting to endorse the Gurkhas proposal in Parliament
4. Interaction in Gurkha issues in Key cities of U.K.
5. Informing the international media about the Gurkhas issues.
6.. interaction in U.K. with local human right activists and lawyers.
7. If the issues are not addressed announcing another strong protest.
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