Nepal to launch its own satellite by May 2019

Godawari-: Nepal is launchings its own satellites by coming mid-May.
It is all set to put its own satellites in orbit with the help of two Nepalis completing Master’s Degree in Engineering from a Japan-based University and pursuing post-doctorate degree.
According to Rabindra Prasad Dhakal, chief of Technical Department, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), the pair has been provided Rs 20 million to launch the satellites named ‘Birds 3’.
The amount was released to develop three satellites simultaneously at subsidized value and preparations are underway for the launch by coming mid-May.
The equipments will take photos of various parts of the country on a daily basis and disseminate information about its mountains, hills, Terai, forests, glaciers, roads as well as floods.
NAST scientists and the Minister for Science and Technology are scheduled to set for Japan in the beginning of the Nepali New Year 2076 Bs in connection to the satellite launch.
Once the country completes its project, the compulsion of gathering information with the help of other countries for which it pays a hefty amount will come to an end and the project is expected to prove that Nepal’s engineers are no less than competitive than thgose of developed countries.
NAST will store photos and information to be transmitted through the satellites in its ‘ground station’ based in its office.
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